Who is eligible to receive ILP services?
Youth between the ages of 14 and 21 who are currently in care or who are in an out-of-home placement sometime after their 16th birthday are eligible for ILP services in Alameda County. ILP Eligibility Info »
What services are available?
ILP offers a full range of services to assist and support foster youth in their transition to independent living. Services include weekly workshops, employment and educational support, housing search assistance, social events celebrating students’ successes, and after care support for youth who have emancipated. ILP Housing Options »
How long can participants receive services?
Youth can receive services up to their 21st birthday. Services funded through the Chaffee grant are available up to the 23rd birthday as long as the youth has applied for and been accepted for a Chaffee grant prior to turning 21. ILP staff provide referrals for services to former foster youth after age 21.
How are youth referred?
Youth are referred to ILP by their child welfare workers or probation officers. Together with the child welfare worker or probation officer, a youth should complete a Transitional Independent Living Plan (TILP) prior to referral to ILP, and the TILP should be sent along with the referral form, either via fax (510) 667-7679 or by email intake@beyondemancipation.org. Referral forms for in-county and out-of-county youth and TILP forms are available in the Forms section of this site.
Where are ILP life skills classes held?
ILP Location
675 Hegenberger Rd, Ste 100, Oakland, CA
Phone: 510-667-7696
Fax: 510-667-7629
Does ILP provide housing?
Together with partner providers, ILP assists youth in applying for independent housing for non-minor dependents – Transitional Housing Program (THP+). ILP Housing Services »
We also partner with the Alameda County Housing providers to assist youth in applying for THP+FC/HOST HOUSING and THP+/HOST HOUSING.
Does ILP provide employment services?
Students participate in employment readiness training and career exploration as part of the workshops series offered through ILP. Students also receive employment services, both in class and out, through Project H.O.P.E., an employment and educational support program developed by the Alameda County Workforce Investment Board and the Department of Children and Family Services. Additionally, ILP works closely with Beyond Emancipation, located at 675 Hegenberger Road, Oakland.
What services are available after ILP graduation?
Youth can continue to receive supportive services in the areas of housing, education, employment, and health/wellness after emancipation through ILP until age 21 and through aftercare from Beyond Emancipation. Services include individual aftercare case management and coaching. Youth who decide to remain in care through AB12, may continue to participate in our program and attend our AB12 Academy workshop.
Do participants earn money through participation in ILP?
Yes! Students receive a stipend of $25 per workshop completed and other incentives such as a laptop for participating in other workshops and activities such as SAT training. Students receive a stipend upon completing each workshop series.
Can a youth receive ILP services if his or her case is terminated?
As long as a youth was in care/open care for any period after his or her 16th birthday, even if the case was later terminated, the youth is eligible to receive ILP services.